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EPICMASTER111 July 24, 2024 at 7:58:29 AM

this website is pretty awesome B )

Replied on: August 15, 2024 at 8:32:41 PM

Glad you Enjoy it! I just need to keep working on it...

crungamunga June 4, 2024 at 2:02:24 AM

twenty leagues under my balls lies the pearl to conquer them all. who am i?

Replied on: June 6, 2024 at 3:52:34 AM

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Ol' Long john Silver May 31, 2024 at 7:50:37 AM

The ocean she's crazy. . . Once saw a dolphin jump out of the water 20 feet and on it's way down, clubbed a girl in the head with a lead pipe. . . notgood

Replied on: May 31, 2024 at 7:57:02 AM

Aye... The Sea be a mysterious lass. One feller I met.. "Larry, the Trawler" caught up one of them Mermaids. Has been many a moon since I've seen that feller. Some say they lived happily. Other landlubbers reckon they died in that Shipwreck found in port... Only Black Beard knows where he be now.......

Joe Burton III May 31, 2024 at 7:49:58 AM

Hey man, big dawh, I need ya big dawg boah look here... Boy I need you bad maan... Shit I need about $50 man, shiiit. I mean I ain't got damn I mean where's the waitin to see what I come up with goddamn it I said 'lemme go see boss' goddamn... Shiiit. You gon- You gonna do that for me big dawh? Ain't need but a $50.... Shiit man when you off this shit it ain't never too damn late! This shit don't sleep! This shit don't sleep man, I'll hit you back! Hey big dawg, just do the goddamn drop man, come out here and talk to me man. Maaan shiiiiit. Ay. Get out the bed man, I come down here and you in bed asleep. Wake ya game up big dawh I need one. I need one big dawg. Hey man, goddamn man, goddamn. Hey look here, big dawg. Don't turn on me now big dawg, I needja. I'm tryna get awake cousin. Aight big dawg I'll try to get somethin' big dawg. Alright big dawg I'll holla back atcha dawg, shiit.

Replied on: May 31, 2024 at 7:57:45 AM

Maaaaaaaan get off ma porch maaan...

joseph hussein biden May 31, 2024 at 7:48:46 AM

Re: we are watching your balls that aint no joke, fat. you have been selected and there IS NO WAY OUT. now let me tell you, this aint no pony ride on the cucamonga express, you spilling sack of bungpaste! when we find your ball hairs in the white house YOU WILL BE ELIMINATED. come see us at our office for your "PRIZE" smile

Replied on: May 31, 2024 at 7:49:18 AM

You will never fucking find me Joseph.... Good luck, Fuck Face.

Alien2.0 May 31, 2024 at 7:46:16 AM

Greetings earthling, I will be taking this website back to the mothership as an exemplary example of human culture. Keep up the good work rose

Replied on: May 31, 2024 at 7:47:35 AM

THE GRAYS HAVE FOUND ME! Hope the mothership loves it. Hope to see you soon!